
To The Notes (Till Toerna)

Original poems by Swedish Poet Gunnar Wennerberg

Translated by Jerome Berglund

monogram, letter, letter s-33682.jpg väfven, höga toner,
Himlaburna väsen,
Ifrån ljusets rymder

Stämmen rena alla
Mina harposträngar
Att de alltid ljuda

Då vill jag försöka
Jaga Sauls mörka,
Orofulla ande
Ur min själ och vinna

monogram, letter, initial-33671.jpg igh notes, hovering
Celestial beings,
From the realm of light

The tuner regulates all of
My harp strings
So that they always sound

Then I can try to
Chase Saul’s dark,
Restless spirit1
From my heart and gain

1 In the Hebrew bible a woman medium referred to as the Witch of Endor is depicted, whom at Saul’s behest consults a deceased spirit to advise him on tactics for combatting the Philistines—who proceeds, instead, to chastise this king for the defiance such summoning represents, and foretell his troops’ doom for such impertinence. This digression is omitted from Christian canon, and indeed the necromancy and witchcraft, conjuring spirits of the departed portrayed within has frequently troubled interpreting theologians.