The Fun of Sex

When I first started having sex, it was new, clumsy, and all the fun.

Late night hook ups. The thrill of connecting with someone in the bathroom of a club, the back of a car, up against a tree, or simply rolling around the sheets of mine or their bed. It felt good. My body would be buzzing before, anticipation of what’s to come, the chemistry between two people who just can’t wait to be alone. The dirty fun of getting drunk with friends and heading into a club and rubbing up against potential fucks was layered with sweat, pheromones, and the rush you get from making a potentially bad decision.

The best part about these nights, besides the freeing feeling of looking good and doing whatever you want, is the next day brunch. We would sit and retell the crimes of the nnight before. Who did who, how drunk everyone was, what happened, etc. We all found it tittilating to have such sexy things to discuss around waffles and coffee. 

We all got so excited when someone laid their crush, or the person they were eyeing at the club. We felt invincible. We felt like we were swapping secrets of the most salacious. We thrived in this space of fun and fancy free, ready for our next fling covered in pheromones, sweat, and right swipes.

But the best fun is when you’re with someone you love. When you’re in their arms and they’re in yours and you’re breathing in sync. There is nothing sweeter than the physical connection you have with your favorite person. With the one you love and trust the most in this world. It is a euphoric moment, the greatest thrill. The most fun. You don’t have to get past the awkward clumsy phase. Or the drunken whatever. It’s just you and that person and the greatest comfort of all. Each other.

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